Monday, November 05, 2007

Ricotta, Orange & Currant Fritters

I know its been a while since my last post, I have been in quarantine with Chloe as she was exposed to the chicken pox and the incubation period is up to 21 days so have had to keep her away from most people, ie friends with babies or who come into contact with babies which is surprisingly most people we know, until we find out if she has it or not. So far so good and only a few days to go. Anyway this has meant no entertaining = no baking or cooking anything exciting & so therefore nothing to blog about. Yesterday however I decided to whip up a batch of pancakes which turned out absolutely delicious so I must share with you. The recipe came from the latest Donna Hay Spring issue. The flavours of orange & currant stood out beautifully encased in the soft & light ricotta batter & all that was really needed was the slightest squeeze of lemon juice & they were perfect. A great way to start a rainy Sunday, in fact the rainiest day we have had in about 2 years if I heard right.

Ricotta, Orange & Currant Fritters

1 cup (150g) plain flour, sifted
2 ½ teaspoons baking powder, sifted
1/3 (73 1/3g) cup caster sugar
1 cup fresh ricotta cheese
1 cup milk
1 tablespoon finely grated orange rind
½ cup (75g) currants
2 eggs, separated
unsalted butter for greasing
icing sugar for dusting
lemon edges to serve

Place, the flour, baking powder & sugar in a large bowl & mix to combine. Add the ricotta, milk, orange rind, currants & egg yolks & mix to combine. Place the egg whites in a bowl & whisk until stiff peaks form. Fold through the ricotta & flour mixture. Heat a lightly greased frying pan over medium heat. Cook 2 tablespoons of the mixture in batches for 2-3 minutes each side or until puffed & golden. Dust with icing sugar & serve with lemon wedges.


  1. Hi ange :)

    Nice to see you posting but sorry to hear Chloe has chicken pox poor love!!

    Love your Ricotta, Orange & Currant Fritters YUM!!

    BTW I have tagged you on my Blog :)

    Rosie x

  2. We tried this out yesterday for breakfast, omitting the eggs (as my daughter can't eat them) and you know, they were really really yummy. I can tell the fritters will be a regular on the cooked breakfast menu. I'm now tempted to try other fruit in the recipe - I wonder if cherries would work?

    I hope you don't mind me posting my modification of it on my blog (amongst other things I've found blogging a good way to not forget or lose good recipes :) ).

    Hope Chloe manages to avoid picking up chickenpox and you don't go too crazy waiting it out.

  3. we tried these fritters on Tuesday for brekkie - without the egg (as my daughter can't eat egg) and you know they were fantastic - definitely an addition to the cooked breakfast repertoire. do you mind if I add it to my blog?

    hope Chloe manages to avoid the chickpox - what a bother

  4. Hi Din, more than happy for you to add this to your blog, the more people that get to share all those great recipes out there the better i say!
