Thursday, June 01, 2006

Zuppa di Zucchine (Zucchini Soup)

Tonight for dinner we are sampling the first of the recipes from my new River Café cookbook (Blue) that I snapped up on ebay for a great price. I was way too busy too cook, had to do a session on the bike & pack my bags for upcoming weekend away so Michael kindly did the cooking after miraculously coming home from work early. Now zucchini soup is very basic so it is interesting to see how this version turned out. The smells coming from the kitchen whilst cooking were truly beautiful though I suspect it was mostly the aroma of slowly cooking garlic. The flavour though lived up the the smell, this would have to be the best zucchini soup I've tasted, well done Michael & River Cafe - garlic, zhucchini, cream, herbs & cheese, fantastic combination & all helped to lift this soup out of the boring category I'd always put it into before!

Zuppa di Zucchine (Zucchini Soup)

1kg Medium zucchini, trimmed
25ml olive oil
1 garlic cloves, peeled & chopped
sea salt & freshly ground black pepper
500ml Chicken stock or water
140ml double cream
1 small bunch basil, chopped
1 small bunch flat leaf parsley, chopped
120g parmesan, freshly grated

Cut the zucchini lengthwise into quarters, then into 2.5cm pieces. Heat the oil in a heavy based saucepan & cook the garlic & zucchini slowly for about 25 minutes until the zucchini are brown & very soft. Add salt, pepper & stock, simmer for another few minutes. Puree with a food processor then add the cream, basil, parmesan & parsley.


  1. That looks delicious. I love anything that contains Muscovado sugar. I think it gives really unique sweetness to things.

  2. Anonymous5:09 pm

    thanks for reminding me about zucchini soup ange...I had a similar revelation a few years back with a neil perry recipe...such a simple soup but so tasty

  3. Anonymous2:01 pm

    Thanks for sharing - looks devine!

  4. Anonymous2:29 am

    my boyfriend's mom has this cookbook and we've cooked it at their house twice. it's delicious! the second time we omitted cream and while the colour was slightly less lovely it was very tasty nonetheless (and lighter!). this is a great recipe to share - thanks for posting and enjoy the book!
