Monday, March 27, 2006

Warm Salad of Roasted pumpkin, prosciutto & Pecorino

Tonight I cooked up this gorgeous salad for dinner, the mix of colors was very bright & appealing. The flavours were fantastic together & really hardly any work at all, basically just peeling & chopping the pumpkin & the rest is just banging it all on a plate, great for a tired Monday after work. Note of warning, the chilli I used had quite a bit of a kick so if you dont like it hot, maybe cut down on the chilli. The recipe is from Jamies Kitchen. When it comes to the recipe, peeling isnt specified, seeds should be left in & the pumpkin only cut into quarters. I ignored this as in my experience the bigger the pieces the longer the cooking time & I was very hungry, also didnt fancy the seeds or peel!

Warm Salad of Roasted pumpkin, prosciutto & Pecorino

Serves 4 (I halved the ingredients)

1 butternut pumpkin
olive oil
sea salt & freshly ground black pepper
1 small dried red chilli
1 heaped teaspoon coriander seeds
20 slices prosciuto or parma ham
4 handfuls of rocket
6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
4 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
1 small block pecorino or parmesan

Preheat your oven to 190c. Peel the pumpkin & chop in pieces, place in a baking tray & rub with olive oil. In a pestle & mortar pound up a flat teaspoon each of salt, pepper & your chilli & coriander seeds. Scatter this over the pumpkin & roast for half an hour or so until soft & golden.

Lay your prosciuto on 4 platess, sprinkle over the rocket, then pumpkin, then drizzle over the combined olive oil & balsamic & top with shaved pecorino.


  1. Anonymous11:58 am

    This looks delicious! I just found your blog today, but I'll definitely be back because it appears we have similar tastes, or at least everything you've posted sounds scrumptious to me! :)

  2. Anonymous8:27 am

    That sounds delicious! And so warming! Perfect for autumn (or the awful rainy "spring" that we are having here in SF).

    Oh, I am a new reader. *waves*

  3. That looks really yummy. I haven't eaten that much pumpkin over the summer - it's cold weather food!

    BTW, I found iLove water in the milk bar at the top of Rathdowne St in Carlton.
