Sunday, March 19, 2006

Sort of pasta carbonara

For dinner the other night (wasnt able to upload photos yesterday so my weekend posts are a bit late sorry) I whipped up this dish which is amazingly quick, probably about 10 minutes all up if you are lucky. It is something I grew up cooking at home which we called carbonara, now I know that it’s not traditional but to me this is how it will always be & as well as being extremely quick its really yummy. For the pasta last night I used ‘Passion Pasta, hand made beetroot fettuccine’, we picked this up in Lorne the other weekend, cooks in 4 minutes & almost tastes like fresh pasta, highly recommended. The mushies I bought from Ceres yesterday, they were huge & so fresh the taste was amazing.

Pasta Carbonara (my family style)

Any long pasta, eg spaghetti, fettuccine, tagliatelle, etc
4 rashers bacon, chopped
Approx 4-6 large mushrooms, sliced
1 egg
parmesan for serving

Firstly put your pasta pot of water on, when boiling cook the pasta as per instructions.
Meantime, fry the bacon in a little olive oil, then add the mushrooms & a little butter to the pan, salt the mushrooms while cooking. Drain the pasta when done & put back in the pot (off the heat), crack in an egg & stir while still hot, add the bacon & mushroom mix, a dash of cream & stir. Serve with parmesan

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