Monday, January 23, 2006

Flying Food Sunday 22nd Jan 2006

Flying home from a weekend in Brisbane last night I couldnt resist taking a photo of my plane food. Its amazing how unappetising they make these meals look, this was mustard chicken with potoato & veg, a bread roll, butter & a mars bar. I know you wont believe it but it tasted a lot better than it looked & lets face it the meal is always one way of helping the flight go a bit quicker so I always try it out.

Despite this pic here which is the only one I took, I ate many a very lovely meal in Brisbane, one of them being a fantastic tepinyaki of lobster, scallops, moreton bay bugs & steak.

Also for brekky Saturday morning went to a nice little cafe in the Cleveland shops & as well as serving some tasty food I was very impressed with the fact that they did a big brekky of eggs, bacon, mushies, tomato & toast or turkish bread in 3 different sizes. What a fantastic idea, my eyes are always bigger than my stomach & I have to have a bit of everything so always end up with a huge brekky that I can only eat half of, this way the portions were as you chose (I had the small) so I managed to eat it all, yum.

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