Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

I had another birthday yesterday & to celebrate I made this luscious cake that I saw Maggie Beer whip up on the Cook & the Chef, it is very decadent containing orange zest, whisky soaked raisins, a LOT of very rich chocolate & almonds just to name a few of the ingredients. I went to The Retreat for dinner with the family which was nice & relaxing, for a change there was no mad running around after work cooking & causing chaos in the kitchen & best of all no dishes for anyone.


  1. Delicious! You and the cake. Happy Birthday.

  2. Oh that looks so moist, rich and yummy. I'll have to look at the C&TC site for the recipe, I missed that one.

    Happy birthday to you..I think that now means you've caught up to me in age! Best wishes for a lovely year..

  3. Thks for the birthday wishes!

  4. Hey, Happy Birthday!!! I love Maggie on the Cook & The Chef, it's the best show she's done to date.

  5. Hi Neil, this is the first time I have watched Maggie Beer & I have made a couple of her concoctions which have all turned out wonderful so far - this weekend I'm trying Simons wicked coffee laced muesli/granola for my mum for a mday gift - hope it tastes as good as it looks as we love making our own brekky cereal

  6. Bonne Fete, Ange
    Take care

  7. Ange, what a beautiful idea to give your Mum muesli for a Mother's Day gift. Home/handmade are always the best!! I have emailed you a really great fail-safe muesli recipe I've been using for the past year, after watching Rachel Allen...

  8. Hi There

    I just stumbled upon your blog and think it is an excellent read for foodies and especially like the photos and design of the blog.I started off as a blogger myself and realise the importance of a good clean design like you have here. I have now bookmarked it for myself to read and have added you to our new list of "all the food blogs in the world" on which we have been compiling for the last month! Hopefully it will send you some traffic in the long run. Looking forward to reading your thoughts on food so keep up the good work and talk soon. Cheers

  9. Happy belated birthday to you Ange! This cake looks devine - and very grown up.

  10. Happy belated Bday Ange! Your cake is really scummy :)
